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STEP 01. Pick the product you want

Please pick any ArdenBike product – top, pants, and accessories – that you want to purchase with a group order.

STEP 02. Email inquiry

Contact person : Ms. Winnie Kang
You can send an email to us at [ ]
Please include your contact and address details in case we need to contact you directly.

If you want to purchase ArdenBike’s ready-made clothes as a uniform for a group riding or group uniform, we will give you valuable pieces of advice.

STEP 03. Stock availability check

We check stock availability (by size) for the product you want and inform you the level of discount per order quantity.

STEP 04. Order placement and payment

If the stock is available, please place an order on the ArdenBike website and make a payment.

STEP 05. Order completion and sending

For the order placed before 4:00 pm, the goods will be sent on the same day. You will be able to get it 7~10 days after sending the goods.